RIO Moulting period feed for canaries

RIO Moulting period feed for canaries is specially developed with a higher protein and fat content to help the birds successfully through this life-stage. 
RIO offers a special feeding approach, and its main point is to provide the canaries with biologically appropriate foods that mirror their natural diet. 
We have created our feeds based on the best from nature and are applying many years of experience and collaborations with breeders from all over the world.

Every pack of nutrient-dense RIO Moulting period feed for canaries contains:
  • 10 carefully selected ingredients of the highest quality will meet all the nutritional needs of the bird.
  • 19.3% of protein and 17% of fats to provide extra care for the birds.
  • 2% of sesame seeds as a source of calcium and B vitamins which are beneficial to the daily diet.
  • The algae in the composition helps to protect the immune system and will provide strength and health support for the birds.
  • Linseed as a source of Omega 3 & 6 will help to ensure a healthy skin and bright & shiny feathers.
  • Calcium in the form of granules and in its most absorbable form for special care of the beak and bones.
  • 100% natural ingredients will make the best feed for your feathered friend.

RIO Moulting period feed for canaries is specially developed with a higher protein and fat content to help the birds successfully through this life-stage. 
RIO offers a special feeding approach, and its main point is to provide the canaries with biologically appropriate foods that mirror their natural diet. 
We have created our feeds based on the best from nature and are applying many years of experience and collaborations with breeders from all over the world.

Every pack of nutrient-dense RIO Moulting period feed for canaries contains:
  • 10 carefully selected ingredients of the highest quality will meet all the nutritional needs of the bird.
  • 19.3% of protein and 17% of fats to provide extra care for the birds.
  • 2% of sesame seeds as a source of calcium and B vitamins which are beneficial to the daily diet.
  • The algae in the composition helps to protect the immune system and will provide strength and health support for the birds.
  • Linseed as a source of Omega 3 & 6 will help to ensure a healthy skin and bright & shiny feathers.
  • Calcium in the form of granules and in its most absorbable form for special care of the beak and bones.
  • 100% natural ingredients will make the best feed for your feathered friend.

  • canary seed
  • rapeseed
  • linseed
  • peeled oat
  • yellow millet
  • Niger seed
  • sesame seed
  • healthy seeds
  • algae
  • calcium gluconate
  • protein - 19,3%
  • fats - 17%
  • fibre - 10,2%
  • ash - 4,3%
  • The daily norm of RIO feed for canaries is 5-10 g.
  • Make sure that the bird has enough feed and fresh water.
  • Please Note: After moulting period it is necessary to change the feeding ration (use RIO feed for canaries. Daily ration).
  • Store in a dry cool place.
  • Please Note: Apart from the main feed birds need a balance of sand and minerals constantly (use RIO grit/mineral mixture for all kinds of birds).


RIO l’aliment pour les canaris. La ration pendant la période de mue

RIO l’aliment pour les canaris. La ration pendant la période de mue c’est le mélange de semences spécialement équilibré en conformité des besoins des oiseaux pendant la période de mue. Le contenu augmenté des protéines et des graisses fait le procès de remplacement du plumage plus rapide et moins douloureux.


RIO alimento completo per canarini. L’alimentazione per il periodo della muta

RIO mangime per canarini per il periodo della muta è una miscela di semi appositamente equilibrata secondo le esigenze di uccelli in muta. Il livello elevato di contenuto di proteine e di grassi nell’alimento fa il processo di cambiamento del piumaggio più veloce e non doloroso.


RIO comida para canarios. Período de muda

RIO comida para canarios. Período de muda es una mezcla de semillas especialmente seleccionada que ha sido desarrollada para atender las necesidades de los pájaros durante la muda. El mayor contenido de grasas y proteínas garantiza un proceso de muda más rápido y menos doloroso.


RIO comida para canários. Período de muda de penas

RIO comida para canários. Período de muda de penas é uma mistura de sementes especialmente selecionadas, desenvolvida para responder às necessidades dos pássaros durante a época da muda de penas. O maior teor de proteínas e gorduras garante um processo de muda de penas mais rápido e menos doloroso.


Τροφή RIO για καναρίνια. Περίοδος πτερόρροιας

Η τροφή Περίοδος Πτερόρροιας είναι ένα ειδικά επιλεγμένο μείγμα σπόρων για τις ξεχωριστές ανάγκες του πουλιού κατά τη διάρκεια της πτερόρροιας. Η αυξημένη περιεκτικότητα σε πρωτεΐνες και λιπαρά εξασφαλίζουν μια γρηγορότερη και λιγότερη επώδυνη περίοδο πτερόρροιας.


RIO sööt kanaarilindudele. Sööt sulgimise ajal

RIO sööt kanaarilindudele. Sööt sulgimise ajal - teravuljasegu, mis on eriliselt tasakaalustatud vastavalt lindude sulgemise aja vajadustele. Valgu ja rasvasisalduse suurendamine kiirendab sulestumise protsessi ning teeb seda valutuks.


RIO kanarėlių lesalas. Racionas metu šertis

RIO kanarėlių lesalas. Racionas metu šertis - specialiai subalansuotas pagal paukščių plunksnų metimo periodo poreikius grūdų mišinys. Didelio baltimų ir riebalų kiekis leis pasėkti plunksnų pakeitimo proceso greitumo ir neskausmingumo.


RIO pamatbarība kanārijputniņiem spalvas mešanas periodā

RIO pamatbarība kanārijputniņiem spalvas mešanas periodā - ir speciāli sabalansēts graudu maisījums atbilstoši putnu vajadzībām spalvu mešanas periodā. Olbaltumvielu un tauku paaugstināts saturs veiks apspalvojuma maiņas procesu par ātrāku un saudzīgāku.


RIO krmivo pre kanárky. Strava v období línání

RIO krmivo pro kanárky. Strava v období línání - pečlivě vyvážená obilná směs na základě požadavků ptáků v období línání. Zvýšený obsah bílků a tuků udělají proces línání rychlejší a bezbolestnější.


RIO корм для канареєк. Раціон у період линяння

RIO корм для канареєк. Раціон у період линяння - зернова суміш, спеціально збалансована у відповідності з потребами птахів під час линяння. Підвищений вміст білків і жирів зроблять процес зміни оперення більш швидким і безболісним.


RIO шымшықтарға арналған жемi. Түлеу кезінде берілетін азық мөлшері

Шымшықтарға арналған RIO жемi. Түлеу кезінде берілетін азық мөлшері - түлеген кезде құстар қажетіне сәйкес арнайы үйлестірілген дән қоспасы. Белоктар мен майлардың жоғары мөлшерінің арқасында жүн ауысымы процессi жылдам және ауыртпалықсыз өтеді.