RIO Daily feed for parrots

RIO Daily feed for parrots was created for the large parrots of all species and life stages according to their biological needs and to nourish your feathered friend in the way nature intended. 
The rich and varied composition of our feed not only consists of nuts, puffed seeds, fruits and vegetables, but is also deliciously tasty and helps the birds to stay healthy and be full of energy. 
RIO has developed a special feeding approach, and its main point is to provide the birds with biologically appropriate food that mirrors their natural diet. 
We have created our feeds based on the best from nature and are applying many years of experience and collaborations with breeders from all over the world.

Every pack of nutrient-dense RIO Daily feed for parrots contains:
  • 27 carefully selected ingredients of the highest quality, which will virtually meet every nutritional need of the birds.
  • 15% of safflower seeds as a great source of fatty acids Omega 3 & 6 to maintain a healthy skin and fine and bright feathers.
  • 5% of puffed grains provide birds with additional energy and entertainment.
  • Healthy pumpkin seeds will help to detox the bird's body.
  • A fruit & berries mix to diversify the feed and to make it more varied.
  • Dried chilli peppers are parrots' favourite treat, as their taste receptors are insensitive to capsaicin- a chemical component that provides peppers' spicy flavour. Chillies help to inhibit the toxins growth and can aid to body detox.
  • Calcium granules will provide additionally support the health of the beak and bones.
  • 100% natural ingredients from trusted suppliers. 
RIO Daily feed for parrots was created for the large parrots of all species and life stages according to their biological needs and to nourish your feathered friend in the way nature intended. 
The rich and varied composition of our feed not only consists of nuts, puffed seeds, fruits and vegetables, but is also deliciously tasty and helps the birds to stay healthy and be full of energy. 
RIO has developed a special feeding approach, and its main point is to provide the birds with biologically appropriate food that mirrors their natural diet. 
We have created our feeds based on the best from nature and are applying many years of experience and collaborations with breeders from all over the world.

Every pack of nutrient-dense RIO Daily feed for parrots contains:
  • 27 carefully selected ingredients of the highest quality, which will virtually meet every nutritional need of the birds.
  • 15% of safflower seeds as a great source of fatty acids Omega 3 & 6 to maintain a healthy skin and fine and bright feathers.
  • 5% of puffed grains provide birds with additional energy and entertainment.
  • Healthy pumpkin seeds will help to detox the bird's body.
  • A fruit & berries mix to diversify the feed and to make it more varied.
  • Dried chilli peppers are parrots' favourite treat, as their taste receptors are insensitive to capsaicin- a chemical component that provides peppers' spicy flavour. Chillies help to inhibit the toxins growth and can aid to body detox.
  • Calcium granules will provide additionally support the health of the beak and bones.
  • 100% natural ingredients from trusted suppliers. 
  • safflower seed
  • white sorghum
  • buckwheat
  • sunflower seeds
  • oat
  • paddy rice
  • corn flakes
  • pea flakes
  • corn
  • carob
  • wheat
  • healthy seeds
  • red millet
  • puffed wheat
  • puffed barley
  • puffed corn
  • pumpkin seed
  • dried rowanberry
  • rosehip
  • dried banana
  • red peppers
  • peanuts
  • pine nuts
  • calcium gluconate
  • algae
  • protein – 15,3%
  • fats – 16%
  • fibre – 6,7%
  • ash – 2%
  • The daily norm of RIO feed for parrot is 40-50 g.
  • Make sure that the bird has enough feed and fresh water.
  • Store in a dry cool place.
  • Please Note: Apart from the main feed birds need a balance of sand and minerals constantly (use RIO grit/mineral mixture for all kinds of birds).


RIO alimento completo per pappagalli

RIO mangime per pappagalli è una miscela equilibrata di semi e cereali attentamente selezionati: i più corretti ed i più graditi dai pappagalli. Grazie alla miscela degli ingredienti viene soddisfatto il fabbisogno nutrizionale degli uccelli. RIO mangime per pappagalli contiene più di 20 ingredienti, tra cui frutta, verdura e noci.


RIO comida para loros. Ración diaria

RIO comida para loros. Ración diaria es una mezcla especialmente seleccionada de semillas y granos saludables que gusta mucho a los loros. La amplia variedad de ingredientes garantiza que los pájaros obtengan todas las sustancias nutricionales necesarias.


RIO comida para papagaios. Ração diária

RIO comida para papagaios. Ração diária é uma mistura de grãos e sementes saudáveis especialmente selecionados, muito apreciados pelos papagaios. Contém mais de vinte ingredientes, incluindo fruta, nozes e vegetais, entre outros.


RIO τροφή για μεγάλους παπαγάλους. Κανονική τροφή

RIO τροφή για μεγάλους παπαγάλους. Η κανονική τροφή είναι ένα μείγμα ειδικά επιλεγμένων δημητριακών και σπόρων που αγαπούν οι μεγάλοι παπαγάλοι. Η μεγάλη ποικιλία συστατικών εξασφαλίζει την πρόσληψη όλων των απαραίτητων θρεπτικών συστατικών.


RIO l’aliment pour les perroquets. La ration alimentaire principale

RIO l’aliment pour les perroquets. La ration alimentaire principale - le mélange soigneusement  équilibré de céréales, composé de blés et de grains sélectionnés les plus sains et appréciés par les perroquets. La diversité des ingrédients assure à l'oiseau tous les éléments nutritifs nécessaires.


RIO Dagelijks voer voor parkieten

RIO Dagelijks voer voor parkieten is een mengsel van speciaal geselecteerde granen en zaden geliefd door grasparkieten. De grote variatie van ingrediënten zorgt ervoor dat vogels alle benodigde voedingsstoffen binnenkrijgen.


RIO sööt suurtele papagoidele. Põhisööt

RIO sööt suurtele papagoidele. Põhisööt - hoolikalt tasakaalustatud teraviljasegu, mille koosseisu on valitud papagoie lemmikud terad ja seemned. Nende mitmekesisus kindlustab lindudele vajalikke toiduainete olemasolut.


RIO didelių papūgų lesalas. Pagrindinis racionas

RIO didelių papūgų lesalas. Pagrindinis racionas - kruopščiai subalansuotas grūdų mišinys, iš kurių atrinkti naudingesni ir mėgstamiausias papūgų rūšių grūdai ir sėklos. Jų įvairovė aprūpins paukštį visomis reikiamomis maistingosiomis medžiagomis.


RIO pamatbarība lielajiem papagaiļiem

RIO pamatbarība lielajiem papagaiļiem ir rūpīgi sabalansēts graudu maisījums, to daudzveidīgums nodrošinās putnu ar visām nepieciešamām barības vielām.


RIO krmivo pre velké papoušky. Základní strava

RIO krmivo pre velké papoušky. Základní strava - je pečlivě vyvážená obilná směs pro velké papoušky obsahující užitečná a nejoblíbenější zrna a semena. Jejich různorodost zabezpečí pro ptáka všechny potřebné výživné látky.


RIO pokarm dla dużych papug. Podstawową dietą

RIO pokarm dla dużych papug. Podstawową dietą - pełnowartościowa paszowa mieszanka ziaren, zawiera specjalnie dobrane ziarna i nasiona lubiane przez dużych papugi. Ten smaczny i urozmaicony pokarm dostarcza wszystkich niezbędnych składników żywnościowych.


RIO корм для великих папуг. Основний рацiон

RIO корм для великих папуг. Основний рацiон - ретельно збалансована зернова суміш, до складу якої відібрані самі корисні та улюблені папугами зерна і насіння. Їх різноманітність забезпечить птаха усіма необхідними поживними речовинами. 


RIO iрi тотылар үшiн жем. Негiзгi азық мөлшері

Толқынды тотылар үшiн RIO жем. Негiзгi азық мөлшері - мұқият үйлестірілген дән қоспасы, оның құрамына ең пайдалы және iрi тотылар ұнамды дәндер қосылған. Әр түрлі дәнді қоспалар құсты барлық қажеттi нәрлi заттармен қамтамасыз етедi.