Mealberry Group announces changes in the packaging design of supplementary food for wild birds. All-year-round feeding helps the free-living birds to survive during periods of shortage of food throughout the year.
So far the products RIO “Peanut net”, RIO “Fat balls” and RIO “Sunflower seeds” were a part of our product range called “Warm Winter”, but now, with the beginning of the warm season, we decided to change the concept of this products.
The RSPB (The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds) and the BTO (British Trust for Ornitology) published scientific studies, which prove that all year-round feeding is so important to help birds in nature. The idea is that in the summer time, during the moulting, breeding and nesting periods the birds have the same nutritional needs like in winter, which means that they have to receive additional food during the warm season as well.